Welcome Solis-Cohen Families! Bienvenidas Familias Solis-Cohen, Bem-vindo Famílias Solis-Cohen, 欢迎索利斯-科恩家庭, Bienvenue aux familles Solis-Cohen
Dr. Serianni-Principal: mdserianni@philasd.org
Ms. Hope Patterson-Assistant Principal hpatterson@philasd.org
Mr. Smith-Assistant Principal-rycsmith@philasd.org
Our doors will open at 7:00am. Students are expected to be at school every day by 7:30am.
Kindergarten Open House 2025
March 4, 2025 at PEC Building
Uniform Norms
Please click on the link below to learn about our uniform policy!
2024-2025 Dismissal Maps
Families please click on this link to see where you should pick up your student each day! Thank You!
Back to School Guidebook
How to Use the Guidebook
Scroll down with your mouse or touchpad. Hover over the guide to use arrows for navigation.
Finding Information
Choose a subject from the table of contents or click the magnifying glass to search.
Download or Print
Hover over the guide and click the three dots for options.
Boys and Girls Club 2024/2025: Hiring at Solis-Cohen
If you are interested in applying for Boys and Girls Club please see the flyer below!
Family Workshops 2024-2025
Information Coming Soon
Important Information for Families
Parent Survey
Please click on the picture below and take our Parent Engagement Survey!
Free Groceries for Families 2024-2025
Woodmere Art Museum
Students from Room 217 Ms. Czulada’s class visited the Woodmere Art Museum. On June 5th they came and performed for our third grade students!!
Girls on the Run 2024/2025
Shrek The Musical Jr.
Huge shout to the staff, cast and crew for putting on amazing showing of Shrek the musical this week in school and finishing with our final performance at night for families on 5/24. Ms. Gyandoh, Ms. Buckley, Ms. Ferrigno and Ms. Melissa did a wonderful job preparing the students all year long and they truly shined! Congrats to everyone involved in this fantastic production!!
Phanatic about Reading!!!
4th Grade Teacher Mrs. McCormick’s class was rewarded for participating in the Phanatic’s reading program and scored an assembly for the entire 4th grade on 5/17/23. Staff were pulled into a little show and students enjoyed such a special visit!
Looking for a great opportunity to work flexible hours during the school day? Interested in working with our students? Join our team! Full and part-time Food Service positions are available. Click here to apply.
Games Around the World
March 30, 2023
Solis Families our Philly School Experience Survey is now open!
Please click on the picture below to take the survey!
Attendance Matters
Please make sure you that you send your child to school every day! We understand that students are sick and emergencies happen but the expectation is that students attend daily. We have set a goal this year of 95% attendance for ALL students!!
Back to School Night 2022
Thanks to all our families and community partners who came out to our back to school night! It was a tremendous success! We look forward to working in collaboration with you this school year!
2023 – 2024 School Year at Solis-Cohen
START (7:30 AM) & DISMISSAL (2:09 PM) time.
Parents and Guardians PLEASE READ the official letter from the school district below.
Philadelphia School District Central Offices
Central Offices will remain operational but still operate remotely.
As a reminder, the Philly HopeLine is available M-F from noon to 9 p.m.
and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. to provide counseling services
for students, parents and guardians who may need additional support during these difficult times.
Phone or text 1-833-PHL-HOPE (1-833-745-4673)
Message from Dr. Michelina Serianni, Principal
Welcome to Solis-Cohen Elementary School!
Solis-Cohen School serves students in Kindergarten – 5th Grade in the Northeast. Our school represents a diverse population of students, staff, parents and community members who work collaboratively together to achieve high academic success and positive social interactions. As the principal, I am committed to our students to ensure the best path to college and career readiness. I look forward to working together to accomplish our mission!